The surrogate mother for M.K.I.O. and J.M.G.E, a couple from northern part of Spain, just received the results of the first genetic screening and it showed that the baby is developing perfectly well ☺
Yet another couple to congratulate, yet another reason to have a nice day for all our team!
Good weekend to everyone from Successful Parents Team!
Story of Laia and Raul: Second ultrasound for the surrogate mother
We continue telling the story of Laia and Raul, a friendly Spanish couple who openly agreed t share their experience as they carry their surrogacy program in Ukraine with Successful Parents Agency.
"La semana pasada nos avisaron que nuestra madre subrogada tenía perdidas ligeras y en cuanto lo supimos estuvimos muy preocupados. Desde el pasado 29/02/2016 que le tuvimos el primer ultrasonido la espera se hace muy larga pero entiendes que si no tienes noticias todo está bien, pero cuando sabes que hay algún tipo de complicación te afecta mucho.
Lo positivo fue que estuvimos informados enseguida y que la madre subrogada está en buenas manos, finalmente el pasado viernes le hicieron una ecografía y vieron que el problema es la placenta que está algo desplazada.
Por amigas sabíamos que esto puede suceder en algunos casos y que hay que esperar a que se coloque en el sitio correcto. Es inevitable hablar o consultar foros para ver opiniones de otras personas!
Ahora estamos a la expectativa y deseando que todo vaya bien, esperando también la próxima ecografía que ya queda poquito y ver que todo esté perfecto y bien sano.
Un abrazoRaúl y Laia"
The Story of Laia and Raul: First Ultrasound
We continue the story of Laia and Raul, Spanish couple who entrusted us with their surrogacy program. They just received the news that the pregnancy of their SM is confirmed by ultrasound.
"Ayer fue un día muy muy especial, recibimos nuestra confirmación de embarazo con una prueba de ultrasonido y el bebé se aprecia muy bien. Siendo tan pequeñito ya se puede ver la silueta ☺ y hemos visto ya la foto del ultrasonido muchas veces.. Los días previos al primer ultrasonido quieras o no se hacen largos porque vas descontando días hasta que llega, pero estábamos muy positivos en que iba a salir todo bien.
Nos imaginamos el latido del corazón en la consulta, debe ser impactante… como propuesta quizá estaría bien poder tener una grabación a parte del ultrasonido; si fuera posible ;) Con grabación o sin ella, estamos muy emocionados, es una sensación extraña que supongo deben tener todas las parejas a las que se les comunica el embarazo pero en el caso como parejas como nosotros donde no “notamos” los síntomas directamente quizá aún lo es más. Ahora esperamos pasar el primer trimestre igual de bien que hasta ahora, todo a paso a paso, y que se desarrolle sano.
Un paso más superado!
Raúl y Laia"
The Story of Laia and Raul: Beginning
With this blog post we open a new way for our couples to share their experience. We have been in the surrogacy world for years now and we know learning from each other can be very encouraging for couples during their journey.
Our Agency works with couples from all over the world, they represent different cultures and speak different languages, but they are united in their ardent desire to have a child. The story of Laia and Raul will open the cycle of blog posts written directly by couples, with no corrections or euphemisms. They will write what they feel and we commit to publish uncensored.
Laia and Raul is a couple from Spain who just started their surrogacy program with Successful Parents Agency.
17 February 2016
Nuestra historia empezó el día en que mi médico me recomendó no llevar a cabo un embarazo propio debido a riesgos importantes; para una pareja que siempre ha tenido claro el querer tener hijos fue una noticia muy dura… En ese momento y tras buscar opiniones de otros médicos, empezamos a buscar información sobre la maternidad subrogada.
Leímos mucha información y buscamos empresas que ofrecieran este sueño… finalmente contactamos con Successful Parents y tras varios intercambios de emails pudimos vernos en Barcelona, y para nosotros la sorpresa fue que trabajabais con un abogado que nos había gustado mucho, Joan Ortiz.
Valoramos varias empresas y finalmente vimos claro que con Successful Parents y Joan Ortiz nos sentíamos a gusto para llevar a cabo algo tan especial
La verdad es que todo son nervios, las dudas, el desconocimiento, leer contratos a los que no se está habituado….
Poco a poco fuimos entendiéndolo todo y en Diciembre de 2015 decidimos que en Enero 2016 viajaríamos a Kiev para llevar a cabo la estimulación ovárica y la transferencia embrionaria.
La experiencia en Kiev fue muy buena, estuvimos como en casa, nos gustó visitar la agencia y conocer a sus integrantes, en especial a Marina y volver a encontrarnos a Olga, unas muy buenas profesionales; además también estuvimos apoyados por Joan, en momentos como estos en los que no estás en tu casa se agradece mucho este soporte emocional.
La clínica Mother and Child, la vimos muy bien, así como también el Dr.Kotlik y su equipo;
También conocimos a nuestra madre subrogada, fue una emoción muy fuerte al verla, el pensar que nos ayudará a cumplir nuestro sueño; la vimos muy segura de ella misma y esto nos reconfortó.
Ayer nos confirmaron nuestra segunda prueba de HCG, y ya podemos decir que estamos embarazados!! Estamos muy ilusionados y a la vez extrañados pues aunque es real, lo vivimos en la distancia. Sabemos que ahora hay que tener paciencia, pero somos positivos y todo irá muy bien.
En unos días tendremos el resultado del primer ultrasonido y ya tenemos ganas de que llegue...
Baby boy born to the Ukrainian-Sweden couple! AND some more news…
Just a week ago a wonderful baby boy was born as s results of the surrogacy program carried by Successful Parents Agency for the couple of Ukrainian-Sweden origin. Our congratulations go to T.A. and M.C.K., they have trusted our advice and followed our guidance the whole way through the program, and we are happy to wish their growing family all the best.
As soon as we are speaking about Sweden, there have recently been signs of more positive attitude towards surrogacy in Scandinavian countries. For example, in a Nordic collaboration, scientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg have reviewed all scientific articles regarding surrogate motherhood and summarized the findings of those deemed to be relevant. You can read more here:
There is interesting summary related to surrogacy and outcomes for surrogate mothers, children and the resulting families. It is actually a systematic review in which it is concluded that “most surrogacy arrangements are successfully implemented and most surrogate mothers are well-motivated and have little difficulty separating from the children born as a result of the arrangement. The perinatal outcome of the children is comparable to standard IVF and oocyte donation and there is no evidence of harm to the children born as a result of surrogacy”. The summary is published by Oxford Journals and is available here:
Surrogate mother pregnant for the couple from Cyprus!
Today our congratulations go to N.E. and S.C. from Cyprus, their surrogate mother successfully passed the first trimester of pregnancy and the baby is developing perfectly well. ☺
We wish the couple joyful expectancy months and wait to see you in Kiev soon!
Baby girl born to the couple from Cyprus!
I’m smiling when I write about this, actually. This is the second surrogacy program that A.N. and V.N. from Cyprus completed with our Agency. Around a year ago they left Ukraine with super cute baby boy, who has since been the lord of their household ;) At this very moment his parents are flying back home with his little sister, as cute and tiny as he was eleven months ago.
The baby girl was born just one day before A.N. and V.N. arrived to Ukraine, seems like she could not wait to see the, finally and jumped out ☺ It was also so touching to witness today morning the warm hugs between the couple and their surrogate mother, these moments will stay in their memory forever.
Again, it was our immense pleasure to work with A.N. and V.N., they were patient, cooperative, always warm and polite, listened to our advice and carefully prepared for their arrival to Ukraine.
We wish many joyful moments and merry years to this couple whose optimism helped them to walk this long surrogacy journey without any regrets.
Warm regards, Olga, Daryna, Yuliya and Successful Parents Team
Two surrogate mothers pregnant for two couples from Cyprus
Usually January is a calm period when new couples start asking questions and wait until this month’s cold days pass, before starting their programs. But this year seems to be different, in all aspects. We have a lot of new couples signing contracts, selecting surrogates and doing embryos transfers, and on the other hand, we have surrogates giving births and doing HCG pregnancy tests. Usually the year continues as it starts, they say. So we should expect being busier this year, I suppose.
Speaking of pregnancies, today we congratulate two couples from Cyprus, whose surrogate mothers have successfully passed first trimesters and continue with their pregnancies. Our best wishes go to C.K. and E.T. from Nicosia, as well as S.V. and P.N. from Limassol, Cyprus. We are excited about your success and will be waiting for your arrival to Kiev later in summer ;)
Good day to everybody from Successful Parents Team!
Cute twins born to the couple from the United States!
L.Q.P. and K.P., tolerable and intelligent couple of American-Cypriot origin addressed us a year ago asking to help them with their surrogacy program in Ukraine. We immediately liked the couple for their open-mindedness, politeness and very optimistic attitude to life. They had their style ☺
No wonder everything worked for them from the very first attempt. Their surrogate mother was happy to learn that she will be carrying twins and after the babies were born shared how unbelievably wonderful experience it was. ‘I will probably never get to carry twins again, she said smiling, so I was great to try once’.
We wish our best to the happy parents!
It was our pleasure to work with you all this time. :)
With love, Daryna, Olga and Successful Parents Team
Surrogate mother is pregnant for the couple from Spain!
D.B.P. and J.M.P.G from Sevilla, Spain just received great news that their surrogate mother safely passed the benchmark of the first trimester ;)
Congratulations on the successful start of the pregnancy and smooth expectancy days to you guys!