First baby of 2017 born! To the couple from Cyprus ;)
Such a nice way to start the year, we just had two baby deliveries in these past days. But first go first, and our congratulations go to Ch.P. and P.S. from Cyprus, their baby girl – gorgeous and sooo cute – kicked off the baby shower in 2017!
We should give proper greetings to the couple themselves as they were absolutely amazing to work with, patient, always very considerate and gentle, and we really enjoyed their time with us during the past year. It is exciting to see them appeased and totally into their daughter ☺
Warm wishes despite this really cold Ukrainian winter
from Yuliya, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
Twin babies born for the couple from Poland!
We would like to congratulate A.K. and A.K. from Poland with the birth of their babies, one of the last deliveries in the leaving 2016.
The couple have suffered a lot and been very tense during the whole period of expectancy, and when babies were born they still could not believe that miracle happened for them as well.
For our Agency it is a daily work and we see many newborns coming to this world, and many couples changing from being in state of depression and despair to parents who are excited and overwhelmed by happiness, and that is where our job becomes The Miracle. Not only for them, but for us as well, every time.
We wish that in the upcoming 2017 many couples struggling to have a child find out that miracles can happen to them as well, it is a matter of faith and fighting spirit. And never giving up your dream.
With love,
Olga, Daryna and all Successful Parents Team
Christmas Baby Born to the Couple from Cyprus :)
M.G. and M.N. from Cyprus are now merriest parents of baby boy. Their son was born on week 38 right on the verge of Christmas ☺ So this year we also have a “Christmas Baby” blog post, and I’m loving it that it becomes a tradition now.
I remember meeting the couple for the first time, and the anxious and tense face of M.G. when she was desperate from their lasting failures. They had a long path to go, but they had their faith and they fought with bright spirit, supporting each other and praying for their happiness.
Today we wave them farewell as they will be back home soon with their precious little one, and we feel peace and joy on our hearts, just like they do.
Warmest regards and best wishes
from Olga, Yuliya and all Successful Parents Agency team.
Successful Parents in Portuguese Media
We are proud to share the very positive feedback from a Portuguese national newspaper Jornal Expresso. They published the article revealing surrogacy in Ukraine as a legal and safe process. We were happy to read the testimonials of two our Portuguese couples that took courage and described their experience in a most sincere and simple way.
Such articles show how important is to share your feelings and real state of things with people around you. Please spread the word. Someone nearby you might be desperately needing your help.
For all questions regarding surrogacy in Ukraine please email: [email protected]. All consultations are free of charge.
É com orgulho que partilhamos o feedback muito positivo de um jornal nacional português, o Expresso, que publicou o artigo expondo a maternidade de substituição na Ucrânia como um processo legal e seguro. É com felicidade que lemos os testemunhos de dois dos nossos casais portugueses que tiveram coragem e descreveram a sua experiência da forma mais sincera e simples.
Estes artigos mostram a importância da partilha de sentimentos e o verdadeiro estado das coisas com as pessoas à sua volta. Por favor, divulgue. Alguém perto de si pode estar a precisar desesperadamente da sua ajuda.
Para todas as perguntas sobre a maternidade de substituição na Ucrânia, por favor, envie um e-mail para: [email protected]. Todas as consultas são gratuitas.
Christmas baby shower ☺
We have been busy this December starting the very first days of the month. Usually Christmas period is really calm, but this year it totally hectic.
It started with two surrogate mothers who gave birth in the first week of December, to babies for Brazilian and Polish couples, then in several days we had three pregnancies confirmed for one Spanish and two Cypriot couples.
Now, earlier last week a son was born as a result of a surrogacy program to another Spanish couple, and at this very moment when I’m writing this post we got the news from the hospital that another surrogate mother is going to give birth today to a baby boy for the Cypriot couple.
We have still British and Cypriot couples waiting for their babies to be born in the first days of January 2017, but you never know when a baby decides, so we are prepared to have two more births (hopefully not on the day when we’re going to have our corporate party!)
We feel the Christmas mood while thinking of all the other couples whose surrogate mothers are already pregnant and who will celebrate the New Year knowing that next celebration will be a family-plus-one ;)
On this snowy day in Ukraine we send to everyone our warm mood and positive thinking!
Pregnancy confirmed for the German couple.
T.K. and J.M.K. from Germany are now confirmed as expectant parents, as their surrogate mother nicely made it through the first trimester ☺Needless to say that we are happy for the couple and wish them happy waiting!
T.K. and J.M.K. did their homework and researched into the legal part well before making their commitment to surrogacy in Ukraine. Apart from consulting local lawyers in Germany, they also addressed their request for the embassy of Germany in Ukraine. As a result, they received the clear list of documents required to register the future newborn in the embassy.
Although surrogacy is prohibited on the territory of Germany, but it is legal in Ukraine, and we will ensure to prepare all the documents and fulfill the legalization process for the baby to be granted permission to travel back to Germany with his parents.
Frohe Botschaft für das deutsche Ehepaar: Schwangerschaft bestätigt!
T.K. und J.M.K. aus Deutschland sind nun offiziell werdende Eltern, da es ihre Leihmutter ohne Komplikationen durch das erste Trimester geschafft hat ☺Da ist es fast schon unnötig, zu erwähnen, dass wir uns für das Paar sehr freuen und ihnen eine freudige Wartezeit auf ihr Baby wünschen!
T.K. und J.M.K. haben vor ihrer Entscheidung ihre Hausaufgaben gut gemacht: Sie recherchierten ausgiebig die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, bevor sie sich für eine Leihmutter in der Ukraine entschieden. Sie nahmen dafür die Beratung von Anwälten in Deutschland in Anspruch, und sie sandten auch eine Anfrage an die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Ukraine ab. Im Zuge dessen erhielten sie eine Liste der benötigten Dokumente, die für die Registrierung ihres zukünftigen neugeborenen Kindes in der Botschaft erforderlich sind.
Die Leihmutterschaft ist zwar innerhalb der Grenzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland verboten, in der Ukraine aber ist dies eine vollkommen legale Praxis. Wir stellen dabei sicher, dass alle Dokumente für Sie vorbereitet werden und das rechtliche Prozedere für das Neugeborene korrekt befolgt wird, damit das Kind anschließend die Erlaubnis dazu erhält, zusammen mit seinen Eltern nach Deutschland zurückzukehren.
The Story of Laia and Raul: Birth of Estel
Laia and Raul, our amazing and very open-minded couple from Spain, have come to the end of their "baby journey" as their daughter Estel was born several weeks ago. We believe that instead of us, you'd want to read it all from their own note to us. So here they go:
"Os vamos a contar como vivimos los últimos días de espera antes del nacimiento de nuestra niña y el nacimiento de la pequeña Estel (nuestra super baby). Estando en Barcelona nuestra inquietud era llegar antes de la fecha del nacimiento y poder presenciar su nacimiento. Nos recomendaron estar alrededor de la semana 38 de gestación y así lo hicimos, reservamos el vuelo para el 5/10/16, buscamos un apartamento acogedor y con muchas maletas y muchos nervios, llegamos a Kiev.
Ya en Kiev nos encontramos en la dulce espera ¿qué día nacería Estel? Antes del nacimiento tuvimos un pequeño encuentro con la gestante y su marido, y ella estaba muy bien, muy contenta y positiva. Estuvimos preguntándole sobre como se había encontrado durante todo este tiempo y ella por suerte tuvo un embarazo envidiable, ya que se encontró bien en todo momento.
Los días de espera pasaban lentos, y además, estuvo lloviendo de manera continuada más de 4 días! Pues bien finalmente nos comunicaron que el lunes 10 ingresarían a la gestante en el hospital pues sus anteriores partos habían sido de tan solo 2 horas y de esta manera nos asegurábamos que no hubiera ningún contratiempo…
Nosotros quizá por intuición, la noche del 10 de Octubre, nos fuimos a cenar los dos para celebrar que posiblemente iba a ser nuestra última cena siendo sólo dos en la familia, antes del nacimiento de la peque ☺
Y así fue, a la mañana siguiente hacia las 9:30 recibimos un mensaje de Marina en el que nos decía que la gestante ya estaba en proceso de parto y que en media hora teníamos que coger un taxi hacia la clínica. Estábamos tan nerviosos que prácticamente no desayunamos…
Al llegar a la clínica al cabo de un rato pude subir a la sala de parto, donde me encontraría con Tatiana, la gestante. Todo el proceso junto a ella fue muy emotivo, ella continuó siendo igual de positiva que siempre y yo intenté aliviarle los dolores.. todo fue muy rápido y al cabo de aproximadamente 2 horas nuestra niña estaba naciendo. Fue muy emocionante verla salir, ver como cortaban el cordón, ver como la limpiaban y escuchar sus primeros llantos, ver como la vestían con la ropita que cuidadosamente habíamos elegido para ella y como la envolvían para finalmente dármela en mis brazos ☺ Tenía la carita muy hinchadita, pero muy muy bonita.
Además nos gustaría añadir que todo el equipo que asistió el parto en todo momento tienen muy claro quien es la madre y te hacen sentir muy a gusto, y parte importante del parto. En el momento del parto la gestante y yo nos abrazamos y lloramos juntas, es increíble que mujeres como ella sean tan y tan generosas porque aunque es evidente que reciben una compensación, no debe ser fácil gestar a una personita durante 9 meses y luego desprenderse de ella, GRACIAS DE TODO CORAZON.
Pasó un rato y finalmente vino la pediatra a buscarme para ir hacia la habitación donde nos esperaba mi marido y en cuanto entré me abrazó y me dijo que me quería, a continuación fue a ver a la pequeña Estel y sus ojos lo decían todo ☺ Tenemos un vídeo que es precioso…
Y al poco la pediatra me dijo que me desvistiera pues era necesario hacer el piel con piel con la pequeña durante 2 horas, pero estaba tan a gusto con ella que finalmente fueron 6 horas ni más ni menos, en las que ella estuvo estiradita en mi pecho, unas horas que nunca olvidaré, fue maravilloso.
Y seguimos igual de embobados, sin poder parar de observarla ☺, y deseando poder regresar a casa para que toda la familia y amigos puedan conocerla.
Queremos dar las gracias a todo el equipo de Successsul Parents, y estos días especialmente a Marina pues sin ella todo habría sido más difícil, ha estado junto a nosotros en todo momento. Y también a Olga que en todo momento durante el proceso nos ha transmitido feedback de todas las pruebas a la gestante. Nos han dado su apoyo incondicional y se merecen todo el cariño del mundo.
Raúl, Laia y Estel"
And from our part, all our Successful Parents Team send to the newly created family our best wishes and warmest blessings. It was a truly great experience for you, but also for us, as we were lucky to live your journey through your notes.
Olga, Marina and all Successful Parents Team
Pregnancy confirmed for the couple from Spain!
We first met with J.C.S. and M.D.M.V.R. one and a half years ago in Barcelona, during the «InVitra» surrogacy expo. They had lots of questions and doubts, and our partner lawyer spent an hour with them amidst all that expo noise and crowd, explaining them what is what when doing surrogacy in Ukraine.
It took them a year to finalize their decision and get prepared to start the program, we exchanged lots of emails with Q&A about contracts, procedures and everything related to the future pregnancy of their surrogate mother. The couple was lovely and very polite all the time, so it was not a problem taking care of their requests.
Finally they arrive to Ukraine for the embryos transfer and to meet their surrogate mother. They were excited, but very positive, dreaming about twins and asking doctor if there are any tricks to guarantee such a luck ☺ (I wish there were tricks too, as I also dream about having twins one day!)
The very first attempt resulted in a safe single-fetus pregnancy, and we are happy to say that the surrogate mother made it to the second trimester. And although it is not twins, but the future parents are very excited and happy, and so we are ☺
Successful Parents Agency team
Son born to the couple from Spain!
M.C.M. and F.A.I. from Barcelona, Spain had a plus-one in their family, a cool boy who was born on week 35. Neither surrogate mother nor parents expected such early delivery, and as a result, M.C.M. and F.A.I. had to virtually rush to Ukraine in the middle of their workday! Luckily they found the flight easily and arrive to Ukraine the next day after the baby was born.
The boy looks soooo sweet we namely fell in love with him! Although born slightly premature he is now discharged from the maternity house and feels totally infatuated with life ☺
Our congratulations to M.C.M. and F.A.I., we admire your cooperation and your kind and easy-going personalities, your son is lucky to have you ;)
Olga, Daryna, Yuliya and all Successful Parents Team
The Story of Laia and Raul: Preparing for baby birth!
It's been seven months since Spanish couple Laia and Raul started sharing their story with us. They can't believe it, but time flew like one moment and they are already buying things for the baby and booking their tickets to Kiev! here is a quick note from them specially for our blog:
"Hoy nuestra pequeña ya está en la semana 36 y 3 días. El pasado lunes 12/09/2016 le realizaron una ecografía estando en la semana 35 y ya pesaba 2,640gr
Parece mentira pero ya queda muy poco para tenerla con nosotros, se podría decir que el tiempo ha pasado rápido en conjunto pero la espera para cada paso se hace mucho más lenta… quizá es un poco contradictorio pero es así.
Ahora mismo estamos ultimando la documentación que necesitaremos en Kiev una vez nazca nuestra pequeña, ya hemos comprado los vuelos y estamos buscando un apartamento donde estar durante casi más de un mes en Kiev. A parte de todo esto, acabando de preparar cosas de la pequeña en casa y ya prácticamente haciendo las maletas ya que si nada cambia hasta ahora, en 15 días estaremos allí ☺
Lo que más nos gustaría es poder estar el día del nacimiento pues para nosotros es muy importante, y para el bebé también ya que el primer contacto es muy importante… ojalá que podamos estar y vivirlo 100%, sólo de pensarlo nos emocionamos pues no es para menos.
Además tenemos a toda la familia revolucionada, sobre todo a las abuelas y abuelos, los cuales vendrán a vernos unos días y están deseando ver a la pequeña.