M.T.S.M. and A.T.M. from Spain became parents of cute twins earlier last week. It was a bit early and parents had to virtually rush for the birth (happens a lot in our work, especially with twins). Most important, baby girls are doing great and the joy of the parents was unlimited ☺
Our warmest wishes to M.T.S.M. and A.T.M., we were happy to be part of your journey ;)
Daryna, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
Baby Shower – NINE babies born last week!
Four pairs of twins plus one baby, all in a sequence! This was extremely emotional week for all our team, lots of organization, emotions and efforts put into making all couples feel comfortable and making sure babies have all the care they need.
I was thinking of posting photos of all babies here at once, out of excitement, but forced myself to reject this idea. In the end, each precious birth deserves its own pedestal. ;)
So we’ll be adding photos later in separate posts about each couple. But I’m not posting photos of babies here not only because of the above reason.
Today, I want to exclusively dedicate this post to our team. Once again they proved their commitment and support to the important, sometimes stressful, but overall rewarding job that we all are doing here. We’re lucky to be gathered together, working early and late, on vacation and on dates, being there for our couples and their babies, embracing our surrogate mothers and infusing some more love into this amazing world.
Love you all,
Felicidades para la pareja española!
A.C.V. and A.V.N. from Barcelona became parents of a cute baby girl several days ago, with the help of a surrogate mother in Ukraine. ☺
Their program and pregnancy was so easy and had totally no obstacles, so other than congratulating them with all our hearts we don’t even have anything to say ☺
Wishing them best of luck, lots of joyful moments and remain as much cheerful and sunny family as we came to know them!
Daryna, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
The couple from Spain welcomed baby boy!
M.Q.B. and J.R.C. became parents of baby boy just several days ago. This is a lovely artistic and creative family from Barcelona, and it can be seen from the first moments that they are going be investing all of their love in their son.
We met them in our office after they were discharged from the maternity hospital, and they kindly brought their baby to wave hello to our team. Such a cute little thing he was, sleeping in the arms of his totally infatuated Mom and peacefully dreaming his dreams while adults were talking some really ununderstandable and non-important issues ☺
We are so happy that the surrogacy journey was successful for you, and we wish you luck and lots of joy from now onwards.
Daryna, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
Portuguese couple returned home with their baby girl
M.M.D.C. and J.C.C. became parents with the help of a surrogate mother in Ukraine, their daughter was born several weeks ago in Kiev. We must say that all couple from Portugal we have so far worked with,are very nice people, calm and cheerful, despite the sad stories of their past battles with infertility.
They were overwhelmed with emotions when they finally could hold their little baby girl, and for us it is a great reward seeing happy faces of newly made parents, after all the things they had to go through.
The embassy of Portugal in Ukraine was very helpful, the couple received documents for their baby within one week after they filed the application. It seems the upcoming change of law on surrogacy in Portugal already is having its positive effect, which is a great news!
Our congratulations to M.M.D.C. and J.C.C., we wish them happiness and thousands of happy moments with their precious little one! ;)
All our love,
Daryna, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
Baby boy born for the couple from France!
The incredible story of J.P.T. and S.M.D. cannot be told just carelessly. Their path to parenthood was the long and painful, they suffered multiple downfalls before they had to conclude there was no other way for them than surrogacy. They contacted our company more than two years ago and it took all our joint efforts to make miracles start happening for them.
Watching them go through the process of surrogacy was inspiring, they were willing to invest all of their hearts in the process, they supported their surrogate mother and even flew to Ukraine several times during the pregnancy period. They dreamed about having a son, and their dream came true so nicely: a wonderful baby boy was born healthy and handsome. The delivery started a bit earlier, and they rushed to Ukraine at the first words of it. They landed in Kiev only several hours after delivery, but due ot the late timing were only allowed to see the baby next morning. That was s sleepless night, but this time - not because of pain, anxiety or fears, but because of enormous joy they could not contain within.
J.P.T. and S.M.D. have obtained laissez-passé from the French embassy in Ukraine and safely returned to Paris with their son. Understanding more than anyone else that the topic of surrogacy is still difficult to discuss in France, taking into account the lack of verified information, J.P.T. and S.M.D. are ready to share their experience with other couples.
We wish them good luck and infinite joy,
Olga, Elena and Successful Parents Team
Bébé est né pour le couple français!
L'incroyable histoire de J.P.T. et S.M.D. citoyens de la France ne peut pas être racontée à la légère. Leur chemin pour devenir parents a été long et douloureux, ils ont connu de multiples mésaventures avant de se rendre à l'évidence que l'unique solution pour eux était la gestation par autrui.
Ils ont contacté notre société il y a plus de deux ans et c'est grâce à nos efforts conjoints que des miracles ont commencé à se produire. Les regarder franchir toutes les étapes de la maternité de substitution peut inspirer beaucoup de monde, ils étaient prêts à mettre tout leur cœur dans le processus, ils ont soutenu leur mère porteuse et ont même été jusqu'en Ukraine plusieurs fois durant la période de grossesse. Ils rêvaient d'avoir un fils et leur rêve s'est réalisé: un bébé merveilleux est né en bonne santé. L'accouchement a eu lieu un peu plus tôt que prévu et ils se sont précipités en Ukraine dès ses premiers cris. Ils ont atterri à Kiev juste quelques heures après l'accouchement, mais en raison de l'heure tardive, ils n'ont été autorisés à voir le bébé que le lendemain matin. Ce fut une nuit d'insomnie, mais cette fois-ci, pas à cause de la douleur, de l'anxiété ou des craintes, mais à cause d'une joie intense qu'ils ne pouvaient pas contenir.
J.P.T. et S.M.D. ont obtenu le laissez-passé de l'ambassade de France en Ukraine et sont rentrés en toute sécurité à Paris avec leur fils. Conscients mieux que quiconque que le sujet de la gestation par autrui est encore difficile à aborder en France, compte tenu du manque d'informations certifiées, J.P.T. et S.M.D. sont prêts à partager leur expérience avec d'autres couples.
Nous leur souhaitons bonne chance et une joie éternelle,
Olga, Elena et l'équipe de Successful Parents Agency
Two Spanish baby boys born!
Today we are celebrating with S.S.S. and G.T.M., the truly lucky couple from Spain, whose baby boys were born three weeks ago in Kiev.
The pregnancy of their surrogate mother was going smoothly, but as soon as a woman carries two, one would always assume that they might be less patient and would come out earlier. That is what happened, the boys decided to wait no longer and were born on week 34, before their parents even got to pack their bags off to Ukraine. They were taken aback by our phone call informing them the labour had just started, but got a strong hold of themselves and followed our guidance.
Although boys were born premature, but they were doing amazingly good and only had to spend several days in the special care unit of the maternity hospital, until S.S.S. and G.T.M. arrived. We must say that for babies born on week 34 they look as they are doing extremely well, eating and sleeping properly and having no health issues. Needless to say that the meeting with their newly-made parents was very emotional, all four cried (not sure if babies cried out of emotion though, rather than claiming their lunches ;)).
We are relieved and happy that everything went well, although a bit hectic and unexpected, and we send our warmest regards to S.S.S. and G.T.M. We are happy for you!
All the best,
Daryna, Olga and all Successful Parents Team
Long-awaited pregnancy confirmed for the Cypriot couple
I even didn’t know how to start writing this post, as I’m being quite emotional about this couple. We made first acquaintance nearly 4 years ago. Both C.C. and M.M.C. are really great, lovely, cheerful and easy-going personalities. They charmed us from the very first moments of communication. However, their path was not that smooth, as two first attempts failed as no one could tell the reason. Additional medical testing and screenings were done and they tried again, resulting in triplet pregnancy with a surrogate mother.
The immense joy changed to anxiety only several days after we learned pregnancy was achieved. Our doctor said that a reduction of one fetus is a must as the whole pregnancy is at risk. At that time C.C. and M.M.C. were too stressed and asked to wait instead. Unfortunately, the pregnancy stopped.
It was a huge strike to them, and our team could not believe they were being so unlucky. It took them about two years to recover emotionally, especially keeping in mind that they only had one embryo left frozen, their last hope to have their own biological child.
Finally at some moment they contacted me again and said they were ready to go on with their last attempt, promising to stick to our recommendations whatever happens this time. I had mixed feelings about them, being sad and angry with them on the one hand and excited to have them back and see them determined and full of hope again. With one embryo the chances were really small, I told them straight away (sometimes I hate my job for making me tell people things that hurt), and we started all over.
Now, when the first screening of their surrogate mother is past and the fetus is developing great and healthy, I look back on their story and remind myself that although it was tough on me, but it was much and much tougher on them, and they still have quite a path to go until they hold their baby in their arms. But it is all worth it, it brings peace to me when I think that at least their fate is changed and now looks much more promising ;)
I wish them smooth expectancy days and I'm happy for them as all our team is.
Surrogate mother pregnant for the couple from Spain
Join us to congratulate M.L.R.S. and R.M.C. with the ending of the first trimester of pregnancy of their surrogate mother. The first genetic screening came out nicely and the overall pregnancy is going smoothly.
We are happy to wait along with the parents for the birth of their baby ;)
Baby Boy Born to British couple ☺
This sweet little prince saw the world just several days ago, he was carried by a surrogate mother in Ukraine for J.A. and T.A., a couple from Great Britain.
For a couple who have travelled such a long road to find their happiness, finally hold the baby in their arms is like a miracle, a dream that came true. We are happy to play our humble role as a company, but what’s more important, each and everyone of our team feels proud every time a new baby comes to this world.
Our warmest wishes to J.A. and T.A., you did great and succeeded. But this is not the end of your journey, on the contrary, it is only starting now ;)